Weighing scales are a big part of our lives and we use these for countless applications daily. From the fields of science to research and from manufacturing industries to quality control weighing scales are everywhere.

One major field where weighing balances play a key role is agriculture and the scale used mostly in this area is the triple beam balance. This blog explores triple beam balances in detail to help you understand how these have transformed the agricultural sector, so keep reading until the end.

What is a Triple Beam Balance?

Triple Beam Balance: Components and Working

Practical Applications of Triple Beam Balance in Agriculture

  • Measurement of Fertilizers and Soil Amendments
  • Weighing Animal Feed
  • Weighing Livestock
  • Assess the Crop Yield
  • Reduce Wastage
  • Calibration of Agricultural Equipment

What is a Triple Beam Balance?

It is an accurate and high-precision mechanical scale that has been used in laboratories, educational institutions, agriculture, and several other fields ever since its invention in the early 19th century. The ease of use and accuracy of these scales are the main reasons why these have been irreplaceable even after so many decades.

The scale features a horizontal base and three sliding weights on beams which can be adjusted to balance the mass. This balance finds applications in physics, chemistry, and biology labs for effectiveness in detailed measurement tasks.

Eagle Triple Beam Balance

Triple Beam Balance: Components and Working

Before we discuss how do we use it in agriculture, let’s first look at the main components of a triple beam balance and their working.

There are three main components of this scale: the base, the beams, and the pan.

  • Base

The base or the lower part of this scale provides stability to the weights, masses, and beams which ensures a high accuracy in measurements.

  • Beams

The beams or riders are three parallel horizontal columns each having a counterweight rider at one end. The beams have different lengths and they are graduated to facilitate the ease of measurement.

  • Pan

At the central junction of the beams, there is a pan where you place your unknown mass.

The working of the triple beam balance is very straightforward. To use this balance, first, you need to calibrate the weighing scale and make sure the pointer is at the equilibrium position. Then you place the mass on the pan and slide the riders along the beams until the pointer is again balanced.

The weight on the beams is balanced by careful positioning of the riders. The weight is determined by the corresponding measurements marked on each of the beams.

Practical Applications of Triple Beam Balance in Agriculture

Here are the main applications of triple beam balances that make these an essential tool in agriculture:

  • Measurement of Fertilizers and Soil Amendments

The optimal plant growth relies heavily on the right measurement of soil amendments and suitable fertilizers. Without a triple beam balance, you run the risk of under-fertilizing or over-fertilizing the crops which can significantly reduce the yield by stunting the growth of plants.

By using the right amount of nutrients, you can improve both crop health and productivity. You can also use these to estimate the right amount of seeds and pesticides for a specific patch of land to get a higher crop yield.

  • Weighing Animal Feed

Farm animals are part and parcel of all agricultural activities. Their health and growth are contingent upon the quality and quantity of feed that they get daily.

If you are preparing a specific recipe involving animal feed, you need to make sure the ingredients are used in the right proportions. This ensures your livestock gets the proper nutritional balance every single day to help it grow properly.

You can use the triple beam balance to measure the animal feed to ensure your livestock receives exactly the right amount of food to stay healthy and nourished.

  • Weighing Livestock

Another application of weighing balances in agriculture involves the weighing of livestock like roosters, hens, pigs, sheep, etc. By weighing these animals using a precise triple beam balance you can ensure they are not underfed.

Farmers also use these scales to determine whether their livestock is ready for breeding or not. And last but not least, buying or selling livestock also involves accurate weight measurement using these balances.

  • Assess the Crop Yield

Another common application of triple beam balance in agriculture is the measuring of the produce coming off the fields. The measurement of the crop also helps farmers determine the amount of storage they need.

It also gives them insights into the transportation costs and the potential revenue they can get from their fields.

 Triple Beam Balance Eagle
  • Reduce Wastage

The wastage of animal feed, pesticides, and fertilizers is a very common issue. Acting randomly when preparing feed or using more or less fertilizers than are needed leads to a huge waste.

This not only increases costs but also puts your fields and livestock at great risk. To prevent this wastage, you can use accurate triple beam balances in your agricultural practices.

  • Calibration of Agricultural Equipment

Agricultural tools like seeders or spreaders need proper calibration to maintain efficient operation. You can use a triple beam balance to calibrate these essential tools. This further ensures waste reduction and leads to consistent results.


Triple beam balances are essential tools that every farmer needs if they are to ensure high crop yield and prevent wastage of animal feed or fertilizers. The precision and reliability offered by triple beams balance not only enhance the efficiency of their operations but it also leads to much better crop yields and overall livestock health.

This timeless weighing instrument combines both durability and affordability to give farmers an efficient solution for all weighing tasks.Visit Accurate Meezan today to order our premium quality weighing scales for every agriculture application.


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